
And the rest of the story is...

So Pembina VV (Value Village, not of the Kills) was next. Found a Woody Allen biography - Matthew found another copy of the same one - Woody Allen: A biography by Eric Lax (an Allen friend) a checked button-up with epaulets, and two good shot glasses.
Regent had less to offer - ended up with another Allen biography - The Unruly Life of Woody Allen by Marion Meade (not a friend - this one promises to be a much more scathing look at Mr. Konigsberg), and a Scribner's Library reprint of Gatsby.
We made it to the Jefferson store with 15 minutes to spare, but it had been shopped out, and a spanish-speaking mother and daughter pair kept cock-blocking me in all the men's shirt aisles. So I found nothing worth buying. But who's surprised that the Maples was a disappointment? That's right, the Maples, deal with it.

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