
schooly d

What I mostly do now is watch films and read about film theory. I read about the advent of sound in films, about the conceptions of dubbing and synchronous sound, about the effect of Margaret Thatcher's economic policies on British film, about attempts to establish national film industries in the face of the hegemonic forces of Hollywood, about photogénie, about montage. I watch things like Die 3groschenoper, Das Blaue Licht, Casablanca, The Ploughman's Lunch, The Draughtsman's Contract, The King of Jazz, The General, The Singing Fool, and La Glace a Trois Faces. I try to catch up on samurai films, film noir, and westerns in different stages to begin working out ideas for a thesis. I talk about impressionism and expressionism and set design and diegesis and axis of action. I like being back in school. It's hard, but it's a good kind of hard.

No school this weekend though as I'm off to Pop Montreal.

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